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How to Choose an Outdoor Backpack

How to Choose an Outdoor Backpack

November 05, 2019 4 min read

Whatever outdoorsmanship you enjoy, whether that’s mountain biking, long-distance kayaking, ultra-marathoning, or simple hiking — one piece of gear is an essential before all others. Mostly because you need this piece of gear to carry all the others. We’re talking about backpacks.
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First Aid Must Haves

First Aid Must Haves

September 18, 2019 2 min read

If you’re always ready to head out for an adventure, your first-aid kit should be ready too. Make sure you keep it well-stocked with this checklist of essential items for successful first aid on any outdoor excursion.
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Tracking Animals When Exploring

Tracking Animals When Exploring

September 04, 2019 3 min read

The best thing about regions with outdoor recreational opportunities is observing the patterns of wild creatures. Where we may travel for hours, days, weeks or months at most, the critters calling our trails and parks home have an entire life lived out.
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Finding Your Way Back Without a Compass

Finding Your Way Back Without a Compass

August 28, 2019 4 min read

A map and compass are the quintessential dynamic duo of backcountry navigation – any time you head out for a hike, you should keep this route-finding Batman and Robin close at hand in an easily accessible pocket of your pack (even if you plan on sticking to the trails!). But what would happen if you found yourself caught off guard by a broken compass, or even worse, a broken compass and a missing map?
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Tips for Solo Adventuring

Tips for Solo Adventuring

August 20, 2019 4 min read

All modern explorers have felt the draw of trekking out into the wilderness alone, with nothing but some basic necessities and our wits for company. As great as it can be traveling with a group or even a few close friends, there’s something beyond compare in taking a few days of quiet solitude to reconnect with nature and contemplate our place in the world.
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Easy Coffee Recipes for the Great Outdoors

Easy Coffee Recipes for the Great Outdoors

August 06, 2019 4 min read

Depending on your personal relationship with the early hours of the day (and the extent of your caffeine addiction), you might consider a morning mug of coffee an occasional luxury, a pleasant pick-me-up, or an absolute necessity.
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The Ultimate Summer Camping Guide

The Ultimate Summer Camping Guide

July 08, 2019 5 min read

Camping trips are the ultimate summer getaway – what better way to take advantage of the warm weather than by shedding your responsibilities, sleeping out under the stars, and waking up to a breathtaking landscape, a whole day of your favorite outdoor activities waiting just around the corner (if not closer)?
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How To Beat The Heat On Your Next Day Hike

How To Beat The Heat On Your Next Day Hike

June 28, 2019 3 min read

It’s a bit of a misnomer: Beating the heat. In reality, it’s the one obstacle you can’t naturally overcome; you can’t power through dehydration or heat exhaustion. But you can prepare for the sweltering temps of summer instead of fighting the heat.
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How To Stay Fit Without Going to the Gym

How To Stay Fit Without Going to the Gym

June 20, 2019 5 min read

Staying fit takes hours of time in the gym — or does it? With the rise of the internet and fitness bloggers, clever ways of combining workouts and outdoor activities are endless. If being outdoors and keeping in shape are both important to you, take some ideas from the following list of common gym alternatives to combine them and save yourself some time.
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How to Choose Lens Colors for Activity and Weather Conditions

How to Choose Lens Colors for Activity and Weather Conditions

May 21, 2019 4 min read

Believe it or not, sunglass color is more than stylistic. Some may choose a blue tint for that perfect Instagram photo, or black lenses for their Matrix cosplay — but these tints are designed with specific benefits. For those who use sunglasses for sports and other athletic events, lenses can be a tool to optimize your performance.
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How to Choose Sunglasses That Fit Your Face Shape

How to Choose Sunglasses That Fit Your Face Shape

May 15, 2019 6 min read

With the summer months fast approaching, you’ll need a pair of sunglasses that are right for you, your needs and, most importantly, your face shape. Believe it or not, the shape of your face is essential when you’re trying to get the right sunglasses for you.
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How to Pack For Backpacking vs. Hiking

How to Pack For Backpacking vs. Hiking

May 06, 2019 5 min read

If you’re looking to spend some time out on the trail – trekking into the woods, along the coastline, across the mountains, or otherwise – you’ve got two basic options: hiking, or backpacking. These two cornerstones of outdoor adventure are extremely similar in their basic essence.
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