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How to Choose an Outdoor Backpack

How to Choose an Outdoor Backpack

November 05, 2019 4 min read

Whatever outdoorsmanship you enjoy, whether that’s mountain biking, long-distance kayaking, ultra-marathoning, or simple hiking — one piece of gear is an essential before all others. Mostly because you need this piece of gear to carry all the others. We’re talking about backpacks.
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Sunglasses Accessories and Why You Need Them

Sunglasses Accessories and Why You Need Them

May 30, 2019 4 min read

Among value-conscious outdoor enthusiasts, “accessory” can sometimes sound like a dirty word. But in terms of sunglass care, accessories aren’t just superficial consumables – they’re part of the minimum required for keeping your sunglasses working as effectively as possible, for as long as possible. As a savvy adventurer, you know that extending the lifespan of your gear is the best way to increase its value.
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How to Choose Sunglasses That Fit Your Face Shape

How to Choose Sunglasses That Fit Your Face Shape

May 15, 2019 6 min read

With the summer months fast approaching, you’ll need a pair of sunglasses that are right for you, your needs and, most importantly, your face shape. Believe it or not, the shape of your face is essential when you’re trying to get the right sunglasses for you.
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Top Tips for Extending the Life of Your Sunglasses

Top Tips for Extending the Life of Your Sunglasses

April 11, 2019 5 min read

If you’re reading this, odds are your sunglasses will take a decent beating. When it comes to making sunglasses last, it’s easy to say ‘don’t drop them,’ or ‘don’t get hit in the face.’ But it turns out, some of the most damaging effects can happen over the long term.
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How Often to Replace the Lenses on Your Sunglasses

How Often to Replace the Lenses on Your Sunglasses

April 10, 2019 4 min read

As outdoor enthusiasts we are generally pretty fond of our eyes, for obvious reasons – they let us take in the view, help us participate in our favorite outdoor sports, and give us a convenient excuse to don a pair of stylish shades. Of course, the glasses aren’t just for looking good – they shield your eyes from harmful UV radiation to ensure that you’ll be able to study maps, follow blazes, and spot salmon jumping for years to come.
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STNGR Sunglasses Get Run Over By A Truck!

STNGR Sunglasses Get Run Over By A Truck!

August 23, 2018 2 min read

In our ongoing pursuit to make the worlds most durable sunglasses, we're running over our prototypes with 4,500/lbs vehicles!
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